Nevertheless, this platform has its own disadvantages you should be aware of before making the final decision. Check the below list of cons of Blogger - this will help you to determine which platform to choose.
5 April 2014
Disadvantages of Using Blogger as a Blogging Platform
By Vasim in: Blogging Tips and Tricks
You decided to start your own blog? Great! Then, one of the most important decisions you should make is choosing a blog platform. The most popular ones are Wordpress, Tumblr, and Blogger. Blogger is often recommended for newbies in blogging, as it’s easy for getting started, and simple to use.
Nevertheless, this platform has its own disadvantages you should be aware of before making the final decision. Check the below list of cons of Blogger - this will help you to determine which platform to choose.
Nevertheless, this platform has its own disadvantages you should be aware of before making the final decision. Check the below list of cons of Blogger - this will help you to determine which platform to choose.
1. Limited space for storing the images. Your blog has only 1GB of file storage, and these images are stored on Google’s Picassa image service. Unless you pay extra, the number of images you can upload is limited.
2. Your blog belongs to Google, not you. It’s ok when things are calm, but if the Google closes down the platform, you may use all the content you carefully created in months if you didn’t back up anything. Also, if they find your content inappropriate, your blog may be closed without any prior notification of the owner. So, when using it, back up things from time to time to ensure the safety of your content.
3. You will always have “blogspot” in web address of your blog. Long address is less convenient and is more difficult to remember and recognize. And though it can be ok for a personal blog, in a business blog this will look unprofessional. This subdomain will be there until you pay extra.
4. Limited number of templates. Creating a unique design is a vital part of the success of your blog. Not with Blogger, unfortunately - it only offers a limited number of blog themes. It can be frustrating when you find several blogs looking just like yours. Customizing blogger design is not an easy thing to do.
5. The process of uploading the photos in not an easy thing, too. Blogger can automatically change the size of your image while uploading. To avoid that, you will need to adjust the size of your images depending on the theme you use.
6. Lack of plugins. While platforms like WordPress offer lots of plugins, Blogger offers limited number of them which are not enough for those who would like to customize their blog according to their needs.
7. Blog loses the traffic quickly. In contrary to other blogging platforms, with Blogger you lose the traffic faster. For instance, if for some reason you haven’t published any post for a week or something, the traffic will go quickly. This fact can be very disappointing for every blogger.
8. Blogger doesn’t offer you much opportunities to improve your on-page SEO. This will make it harder for you to optimize your blog. You can do only things like building backlinks and creating unique content.
9. It lacks numerous features widely offered by the other platforms. Also, the small number of development team of Blogger makes it less competitive with the other platforms.
Blogger platform is very easy to use and to get started, but before starting using it, you should make sure that you are aware of its downsides and finally could choose the platform which is the best fit for you.
Sarah Hall is keen on blogging on topics like business, social media, web design and many others. She also works as an essay editor and can be contacted on Google+.
About Admin of the Blog:

Vasim Tamboli is the founder of VasimTamboli .He is a Software Engineer, Tech Geek and a Part Time Blogger. Contact Him Here
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