15 September 2013
Difference Between Xvid and X264 Video Codec
By Vasim in: Comparison
Now a days we found that the
videos are available in different video codec formats. So viewer has to decide
that which format he want to watch for the video. There are different video
codec's are present like Xvid, MPEG2, MPEG4, x264 etc. So lets look what is the
difference between Xvid and x264 video codec.
First of all
Xvid is a one of the all video codec’s. Xvid has been around for a considerably
long time, since the time it branched off from DivX. And during this time it
has grown considerably in quality and it has arguably surpassed DivX in terms
of video quality and compression. Xvid is an alternative codec library that
follows the MPEG4 standard. It is often due to the relatively small file size
of the resulting video file. Another, codec standard that is rapidly gaining
popularity is H.264, largely because of its more advanced features and high
quality encoded videos.
Again XviD, an open source version of DivX, is popular
among movie pirates. In general, as long as you install the Xvid decoder, your
machine will be able to play all DivX media files. Most use Xvid encoded files
to avi extension.
First of all X264 is a one of the
all video codec’s. X264 is just one of the few software libraries that you can
use to encode videos into H.264. X264 boasts to be the best H.264 encoder in
existence, even surpassing those that are being commercially sold. X264 is only
necessary when you are encoding the video from any format to H.264. You do not
need it during playback as the resulting file can be played as long as you have
an H.264 codec installed.
Again x264, which compresses H.264 videos (Also known
as MPEG-4 AVC), and is very popular for high definition videos. Xvid is based
largely from MPEG4 and the resulting file can be played with almost any of the
MPEG4 codecs available if you do not use any of the advanced features of Xvid
that breaks compatibility. If you do, then you must have the Xvid codec
installed in the devices that you intend to play the videos on.
Xvid can output avi files which
are of standard viewing quality (better than vcd and good enough for dvd)
playable on all latest dvd players x264 can output mkv/mp4 files which are
better than avi and fall under AVC(advanced video coding) mkv - HD player
needed/ mp4 - only standard profiles will be supported on players with mp4
finally, we have conclude that Xvid is a video codec library for encoding and
decoding video files while X264 is a software library for encoding video files
into H.264.
About Admin of the Blog:

Vasim Tamboli is the founder of VasimTamboli .He is a Software Engineer, Tech Geek and a Part Time Blogger. Contact Him Here
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