This infographic explains why games should be added in the educational syllabi. Nowadays, children are grown up in an environment where they develop a continuous sense of affiliation with the modern technology and gadgets; therefore, whenever children see such things, they feel at home with them. On the other hand, if children are given formal books at very early age, not only this would be troublesome for them, but it will also reduce their learning to a minimum because they aren’t accustomed to learning from books. The most important thing that we need to consider is that games are user-friendly educational technology which children love. Their familiarity with the games urges them more and more to play games.
It is not just a blind belief that games help children in their educational pursuits, but is also proved by different research. One prominent among them is the research made by Paul Howard Jones, who discovered that how exactly games help children to increase their creativity. The most important reason behind this is that games increase the level of dopamine in the brain, and dopamine is associated with creativity. Dopamine is also associated with making connections between neurons in our brains. Thus, the stronger the connections are, the easier it will be for us to remember things. The second important attribute of dopamine is that it increases our concentration level. Thus once all these connections are created in the brain, they make the physical basis for learning.
Another important reason why games should be added in the educational syllabus is that games motivate children. It is an acknowledged fact that we do things efficiently that we like because we are motivated by our desire. In a similar manner, as children are motivated by games, this motivation can be channelized in a positive manner for learning. “When students will play games, they will be making different actions, and if some action goes wrong, they will develop the ability to accept things instead of blaming others or throwing accusations at others,” says Kyle Ward who works at Game Period. Thus, games, in the longer run, will make them responsible persons.
Games are also responsible for the skill development in children: for instance, when children play games, they develop many important skills like problem-solving, collaboration, negotiation, and communication. All these skills are very important for their practical lives. There are different types of games available for children of different ages.